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Review: Etude Dear My Blooming Lips Talk OR204

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Another review from me today...

Etude Dear My Blooming Lips talk OR204 (Bashfull Coral), got it free from my friend.

------ The lipstick Etude Dear My Blooming Lips Talk OR204 ------

------ Swatches on my lips -----

- Upper left OR204 under sunlight (ehh btw did you see my face? looks healthier now hahaha! Using Secret Key Treatment Essence+E'thym O2 Moisture Lotion + Skinfood Good Afternoon Lemon)
- Down Left OR204 under normal light
- Upper to down right OR204 swatches on my lips
- Using Photoscape to colage the images :D

  • I love the color (btw this lipstick have very much variance color)
  • Moistened my lips (1st time use this lipstick my lips are dry, after use it for some time now its better)
  • Easy to find, just go to Etude conter or buy it online here Winterize Shoppe (yess my shop hahaha!)
  • Cute Packaging
  • Long staying power (just don't eat or drink :D)
  • The price is OK for me (on online shop), but if you go to Etude Counter may be double the ol shop price

  • If you have dry spot, it will cling on your dry spot (Unless you apply some lipbalm or lip butter first)
  • Need re-apply if you eat/drink
  • Pricey if buy in counter aroun IDR 250k

Thank you for reading this review, share ur thought on comment box below. 



Review: The Faceshop E'thym O2 Moisture Lotion & E'thym O2 Balancing Toner

Saturday, October 12, 2013
Hello girls,

Today's review are skin care products I've been use, It's The Face Shop E'thym O2 Moisture Lotion - this is moisturizer with 5 free (free from mineral oil, paraben, benzophenone, artificial colorant & animal origin ingredients) though it still contain a bit alcohol. I've been using this product for about 2 weeks (the first time I used the sample, and because the results is great so I decided to buy the full bottle for IDR 220k).

The moisture lotion contain a lot of water so it gives my dry skin hidrated all day, I just use about a small dot and it covers my face greatly. Its color is white and watery, the balancing toner also a bit white but more watery. I use toner only at night before sleep and use the lotion both day and night, because my dry skin condition.

I'm using the moisture lotion before applying BB Cream, because my dry skin I need bb cream which contain lot of water, and this lotion help me a lot when applying my bb cream. After applying this moisture lotion and bb cream, my face looks flawless and healthier and very moisture & hydrated.


  • My skin looks healthier (and yess its healthy!)
  • No more dry skin on the edge of my nose or the edge of my lips
  • Not gives me breakouts so its such a perfect produc for me (it's 5 free products!)
  • Even it helps me to clear my blackheads on my nose
  • My skin now very much moisted & hidrated :) 
  • I love the simple package and its color, green :D
  • The toner help me clean my face deeper and leaves my faces sooooo fairly white
  • Easy to apply bb cream ( I used The Face Shop Aqua Tinted BB Cream #2 Natural Beige and sometime The Skinfood Good Afternoon BB Cream #Lemon)


  • A bit pricey, IDR 220k at The Face Shop Pluit Village counter (if you're a member get 10% disc, whic is IDR 198rb the final price here), except you buy on pre order maybe cheaper than in the counter
This my face looks like (sorry for bad lighting, but this is no edit photo)

(my face condition after 7 months using The Faceshop E'thym Lotion)

Leave your comment below and share your thought about this product.

Love yaa...


Happy Weekend! Yay...!!!

Friday, September 20, 2013
Finally, I can blogging again! yay!!!!!

Yeah I've been really busy lately (define busy for me as "don't know what things to write"), ahhahahaha!

Business have been good, my bf now opened his own design graphic service, he's now in the process of making his brother travel company website. 

And btw we now sell label name sticker with custom design for sticker id, kids label, etc! And it's a hugeeeeee success! If you want to buy just email us at winterize88@gmail.com (only for Indonesia). 

At first, I had some worried if my bf resign from his job, but thank God everything goes well now, maybe this is our way of life to do entrepreneur things. What about you?

If any of you in need of web design (with your personal custom design need) or in need for some graphic design service for brochure, X-banner, wedding photo editing & photo album, advertising campaign, corporate identity and etc, maybe you can contact us at 0899-8037-815 with Adrian. 

Price may vary but still on your budget for sure.

Happy Weekend, 


My Reading List & Its Relation with Percy Jackson

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Hey everyone, well my reading list this month is all about Percy Jackson. Hahaha,, since its next movie on August, The Percy Jackson & The Sea Of Monsters will be coming soon on the Theater!

While searching great books to read & some manga, Finding the Percy Jackson another stories, not another I mean the stories continuing the Percy Jackson series.

I bought The Lost Hero, The Son Of Neptune & The Mark Of Athena, Very interesting series!!! Can't wait for the next book coming out to the market!!! Kyaaaa...

I love to read those books, interesting with never ending wonderful stories to tell :D

Even in this crazy week, end-of-months-payroll-&-financial reporting things, I still take some time to read those books (even when I am in the toilet, haaaaa! :P) because its 'greget' stories.

Enjoy your day everyone, find your best books to read on this May :), happy May Day btw! Here in Indo, Most labor do demonstration!

Love yaaa,,,


A Bit Romantic Today & This Poem is the result :D

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Beautiful Fate

Watching his eyes,,,
Hearing his every word,,,
Looking his every movement,,,
Yes, He’s the man I cannot reach,,,

But truthfully, why?
Why this heart beating so fast?
Why all of it suddenly happens?
Is it fate?

I never thought to meet someone like him
I never imagine can seeing a person like him
I never dreaming to speak with him
I never wished to get a chance to talk with him

Really, is it fate?
Fate that God has set on me
Fate that just standing in front of him will pump the beat of my heart
Fate that talks with him can lighten my day

Yes, everything about him interesting!
He’s overflowing me!
I’m never getting enough of him!
Couldn’t ask for more, because this fate is beautiful!

We called it Integrity!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Integritas saat ini memang selalu dipertanyakan, coba pikir brapa banyak dari kita yang selalu menjalankan hal ini. Gw sendiri terkadang memang ngga ber-integritas, let say gw nge-print tugas kuliah di kantor udah jadi salah satu contoh hal tidak berintegritas (T_T maaf ya ga jadi contoh yang baik nih!). But gw selalu belajar buat tetap ber-integritas dalam segala hal yang gw lakukan, apalagi dikantor ~ memang susah banget buat ber-integritas dikantor soalnya kita jadi ga bisa membedakan mana hal yang sesuai dengan apa yang Tuhan mau kita lakukan dan be different ga seperti orang lain yang benar2 gak tahu gimana ber-integritas.
Tapi bener deh, melakukan apa yang dinamakan INTEGRITAS itu sulit, gw sendiri mengakuinya, meski terkadang nggak ber-integritas, bukan berarti ga merasa bersalah or feel like a sinner, loh! Tetep gw minta ampun sama Tuhan krn udah bersalah n’ memohon supaya DIA menunjukan setiap hal yang harus gw lakukan dengan benar, supaya integritas itu tetap terjaga dalam diri gw!.
Yah, memang sih pandangan orang yang gak mengerti integritas bilangnya sok suci lah, blagu lah, apalagi klo bicara dunia bisnis, katanya!:
” Namanya juga dunia bisnis, kotor! harus licik, integritas, apaan tuh?!?”
Blah ~ dangkal bener tuh orang yah! padahal banyak cara2 “lurus” yang bisa ditempuh untuk melebarkan sayap bisnis, bukti yang bicara, banyak orang dengan ke-”lurusan”-nya berhasil dan bisnisnya jadi multi! Apa? contohnya? Okelah, lihat aja Peter Sondakh, kenapa gw blg dia “org lurus”, integritas tingkat tinggi, ih sok tau deh! tau darimana, sih?lah temen gw kerja ditempat dia, menceritakan betapa bosnya itu anti-double book-ing.  Taukan double book-ing itu istilah ekonomi akuntansi gitu, membuat  pembukuan ganda, buat pajak & satunya buat direksi.  Yang buat pajak udah direvisi sana-sini biar bayar pajak ga gede, sedangkan yg buat direksi adalah yang emang bener2 menggambarkan kondisi perusahaan. Ckck…serem!
Yah, PS (sebutan Peter Sondakh dikantornya), bisa jadi teladan ber-integritas buat kita semua. See his business, banyak bener, plus salah satu org terkaya di Indo, masuk daftar 500 org terkaya di dunia deh klo gak salah ya!. Pake acara nyumbang buat Harvard, demi kemajuan dunia pendidikan, How nice!
Jadi, intinya sih, memang sulit ber-integritas apalagi di kantor, dunia bisnis, dll! Tapi itu tidak menghalangi kita dan gw khususnya untuk selalu belajar untuk ber-integritas dan menjadi teladan yang baik di lingkungan kita, tetap semangat ya, karena gw yakin dan percaya dan beriman deh pokoknya, bahwa Tuhan memberkati kita semua yang ber-integritas dengan sangat berlimpah!Amin.

First Time Being a Commonwealth Bank Customer

Saturday, April 20, 2013
Hey, everyone! Annyonghaseo! 

Today I wanna share about my experience being a CommBank customer. Yesss, I do think a long time to opening an account in this bank so I can buy mutual fund online, but because of 1 and some reason I suspend the plan. 

Finally on April 19, I went to CommBank near my house in Pantai Indah Kapuk, I opened this bank account called "Tabungan Bunga Harian" and excited with the teller who so nice with me. She explained every little things about this product. 

What I love about this "Tabungan Bunga Harian" (TBH account) are as follows:
1. CommBank TBH didn't charge me with transfer fee like some bank do's for different bank wire transfer
2. CommBank didn't charge me with ATM Card Fee, MyAccess Token Fee (Like  KeyBCA) for internet banking transactions
3. CommBank TBH didn't charge me with cheking account balance's fee at another Bank ATM with ATM PRIMA/BCA network just in Cirrus they charge IDR 5k, so do if I want to get cash from ATM PRIMA/BCA ATM network
4. I can use the ATM Card to do debit transaction in every merchant of DebitBCA networks
5. I get 50% discount of mutual fund buying fee 
6. If my token is broken, I can change it free, they just charge me if my ATM Card broken for about IDR 25K
7. Monthly fee just IDR 5k and I got Account Book

Well, I think its quite excite me because I can get everything mostly free, and kinda like I have BCA Tahapan Account facilities with cheaper monthly fee. Even their token are exactly the same from the supplier to the shape just different in color. Take a look at this:

I just trying to do different bank wire transfer to my retirement savings account in BNI 46 Bank and yessss, its definetely free of charge!!! love it! And I kinda like the color, everything is yellow, very bright and remind me with cheesy things hahaha XD!.

That's a lil bit about my banking experience, remember to investing since young for future needs *smiling*, if you like to investing in mutual funds, you can opening this account to make everything easy for montly top up mutual funds and get 50% disc for buying fee. If you want to ask me more about my experience with this savings account, kindly email me to tifani.zulfiana@gmail.com, I am glad to answer.

Or if you want to know more you can visit the Commonwealth Bank in www.commbank.co.id where there are so many useful information.

Happy Invest,


Hey everyone!!! It's FantasticCosmetic!

Friday, March 22, 2013
Last week, I bought "Fantastic Cosmetic! by Kim Mi Kyung" just IDR 85k ehemmm altogether with "GIGA TOKYO Toy Box" at Gramedia Pluit Village, yayyy!!!✿◕ ‿ ◕✿  Pfiuhhh!!! after the long journey searching this Fantastic Cosmetic book from Central Park, Taman Anggrek, Citraland & Daan Mogot Mall!.


I suggesting for all you girls & women to add this book into your collection since it contain so many useful information and tips how to caring your skin, your face, your hair, and how doing cosmetics without damaging your face. {◕ ◡ ◕}

With so many cute picture and manhwa-like drawing, this book is so easy to read and to memorize, really! ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆♪

This book is for woman but contain about 10 page more about men skin care & cosmetic. Also there is a book special for men called "FANTASTIC COSMETIC For Men" for IDR 85k too (not too pricey because its usefulness, right? ^▽^ ), its have quite useful tips for men vary from face care to men fashion & style. 


Don't think twice! Just going to nearest book store and buy this books! Then going to my store for finding your best and suitable skin care & cosmetics product (my prodcust mostly from Korean line cosmetics) hehehehe... www.winterizeshoppe.com

Enjoy your weekend!


What you do on holiday?

Monday, March 11, 2013
Holiday has come, holiday has come! Happy Nyepi Day for those who celebrate it :D
I wake up in the morning and surfing the internet, looking my supplier website to find new updates. I wondering what I will to do on this holiday. Mostly on holiday I will listening to the music, reading comics or novels, but since I do read a lot back then I don't have any interesting list of new books :( (it's a bit disappointing me!). However, I know there's so much things I need to do. Like make a list full of soc-med-adv-strategy :D!. What you do on holiday? when someone ask you this just answer with 'I will do something good!".

Btw, now is lunch time and I need to feeding myself, hahaha! 

Well, I actually I just want to say happy holiday! ^_^V (I don't have any idea yet to post! :D)

Have a great holiday today all,


I like to negotiating :D, don't you?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Negotiating with supplier need communication skill, sometimes I negotiate with my supplier so I can being their reseller/dropshipper even I never buy their product before. But they usually believe me when I explained to them my core business and how they will help me and how together we can get more profits (hehehe! :D). They will ask about my biz, my web, my social media page, etc.

We need to give some reasons that will gaining profits not just for us but for them too as the main supplier. I do not know them so they neither know me. But we mutually believing each other, trust is a must.

Thanks God, my suppliers always the main importer or the main produsen of the products so I can keep my price lower than others in the market. I can have them in my suppliers book because I done so much research on Google with various keywords until I found them. And found them means I need to know whether they're trusted or not, so basically I do some research again.

Remember, being an entrepreneur means we need to learn comminication skilss too. Its necessary to influenced people (with good things okay!). Trying to negotiate with supplier, even failed we can still trying again.

Happy Sunday! <3<3<3

Everywhere with my 2nd family - My Cell Group (TMII, Central Park, NAV Karaoke Bellezza)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Christmas Full Of Blessing

Friday, March 8, 2013
 with bestiest

with bestiest



 With our Pastor Bambang Sutedja


Personal & Start up business, cost control & efficiency from my experience!

Thursday, March 7, 2013
I wanna talking about cost control & cost efficiency. How we controlling cost? How to be more efficient?

img credit:www.ramco.com 

I experienced this kind of situation. While struggling with my 9-5 job and growing my business, I met with this problems. My boss always ask me to doing cost control, looking for some business processes and how to cutting some activities with non value added without affecting the whole business process for cost efficiency. As well as in my current company, my business faces this problem, why delivery cost rising? how to promoting my business without costing me so much in advertising fees? How to finding fund and make use of it with the wisest way so it'll not gone without we're never known where it flown away?.

In term of business, maintain cost is a must. I read some books about business and finance, some books about entrepreneurship and they always talk about cost efficiency and cost control especially in start-up year. I, too, read on www.under30ceo.com and www.under30finance.com, their articles help me so much in practical way to opening my biz, financing my biz and to controlling cost and make some efficiency.

So I'm doing these things to minimize cost and doing some cost efficiency:

1. Advertising can costing me millions while social media marketing cost me just my little time to advertise my biz

2. Better to advertise my product to people who close to me such as my colleagues, my best friends, my family (cousin, aunties, uncles), junior in high school because they believe in me and my web store

3. Being a dropshipper cost me less on efforts to packing, delivering packages and packing cost :D

4. My internet service packaged with cable tv also and it cost me just IDR 104.500 every month with 1 Mbps unlimited speed internet and I-forget-how-many-channel  my cable tv was since it also contain HBO family, HBO signature, AXN HD, Disney Channel, TLC, Nickelodeon, KBS, NatGeo, Animal Planet, Local TV, and many more. (Thanks God I have this complete packages, about the service provider pm me :D it's secret hahaha!!!)

5. I paid for web design service incld hosting and domain name just under IDR 500rb, but I'm doing okay with it and very satisfied :) (Thank you paketonlinestore.com!)

6. I just use the "BB Gaul package" with 3 as the provider for IDR 40k/month while I have my Samsung Galaxy Gio got the 1GB unlimited internet just for IDR 50k and can doing anything from smartphone to hotspot tethering device (So I can use my tab without paid any service provider,just use my android phone as tethering device, sharing time everyone!)

7. I using KlikBCA to do all banking matters from paying supplier, buying 3 Prabayar, receiving money from customers, checking my credit card account, and etc, all with just 1 keyBCA. It helps me a a lot and save my time not to going to atm or to the bank for doing my banking routines.

8. I download free entrepreneur books, finance accounting books, novel *grinning, and all of it saved on my tab/my BB/my Samsung Galaxy Gio so I can read it everytime and anywhere (Hey, I buying paper books too, every month I spend IDR 100k for a very great & usefull books like books for internet marketing and seo optimization, customer loyalty playbook - a great book about Net Promoter Score or NPS, fantastic cosmetics, comics *grinning again, and some novel collections)

9. Giving discounts or free shipping for my customers with xxx purchase, will cost me a much as discount or shipping fee but remember that's the way we treat good and loyal customer, cheaper than advertising cost but more powerful effects and I called it investment for future, hohoho!

10. Save your coins! Everytime you have coins from exchange put it on a box for a while, after the box full with coins, bring it to traditional shop and change it with paper money then store it to yoi bank account (save...save...save...!!!)

11. While doing these efficiency things, I do finding fund too for my biz. Hmmmm, the easiest way is to borrow from my office with 0% interest, but....I'm not doing this!!! (Okay, it's a bit humiliating to borrow from office anyway!), what I do is to save my money from salary, then invest it in my biz. I start with small amount of IDR 1.5 Mio, then use it on my biz and that money start generating (wow!!!) so it become IDR 2-3 Mio, When my capital deficit I adding some sum of capital. And that's the way I keeping my fund on PLUS :D!

That's it, hope it helps everyone! I like controlling cost but I do want to still getting the best from what I want with some efficiency. Happy Day!


Start-Up Entrepreneur, From my point of view!

Monday, March 4, 2013
ENTREPRENEUR isn't something we should scary about, indeed it is something we need to trying to do.

From last month I officially opened my online shop, focusing on retailing Korean cosmetics & skin care, knit fashion & Import dresses from China, Hong Kong & Taiwan. So, after soooo many doubtful thinking about "Am I open this business or not?", courageously I paid some sum of money to a web designer and they helped me in created my Web store with OpenCart based. After about 1 year growing this business only from my BlackBerry device (also with the help of my Android phone & Tablet), word of mouth & Facebook, finally this web store created.

I named this online shop with WINTERIZE SHOPPE, so that's why I choose domain name www.winterizeshoppe.com , my partner help me created WinShop logo and web banner for my web store. It was such a great experience. I tried to becoming an entrepreneur. My heart beating, its like gambling in some way :D! And proud it other way! I started the term of entrepreneurship. And I'm now happily growing this business and tried some creative ideas to get the market share. It's like playing game, I love KairoSoft game from Game Dev Story, Hot Sprig Story, Mega Mall Story to Dream Days House, I feel those kind of feeling when opening this business, hahaha! #LOL

This is my passion, the passion I want to share with all of you. Waking up your entrepreneur instinct, and try to do the best with your business (anything maybe your hobby, any thing you like, anything that matters you!), I know in the start up years always tough. But it depends on how you build your business through marketing idea, how you interact with customer to get your loyal customer. I said a loyal customer, someone who always buy from you even there are so many same business as yours outside, form your loyal customer point of view yours the best and don't forget about your star-up capital ^_^. I started this business about 9 months ago, to fill in my leisure time & filled in my entrepreneur ego ^_^ but as time goes by I love doing it, and more seriously to make this business growing!.

Start up years, could be tough, but even if it's tough we could do it because it is our own passion. Make yours different, I found most of entrepreneur always have their own way of selling, way of thinking but always have the same felling of passion. We like to doing what we like, right?
Also we need to equipping Our self with more knowledge about entrepreneurship. I subscribed under30ceo and read entrepreneur magz, also some entrepreneur books. Mostly, I read from under30ceo because there are sooooo many helpful tips and very applicable. With equipping ourself, we have guidance to doing business from the right people. If you have questions about anything in my start-up business, I am gladly to answer. Just pm or email me tifani.zulfiana@gmail.com.

Happy Entrepreneurship!



Toilet oh toilet!

Friday, January 25, 2013
Berhubung gw dulunya anak kuliah yang nyambi kerja (ehem…demi mencukupi kebutuhan akan tuition fees alias uang semesteran) jadi gw ambil kuliah kelas malam b’coz dari pagi hingga sore kerja. Nah pernah  ditengah2 berjalannya kuliah, berasa pengen ke toilet. Cuma emang sih T_T takut ke toilet nya soalnya diluar kelas tuh sepiiii sekaleee,,,lagi jamnya kuliah sih! Nah the story begin
Waktu di depan toilet cewek, saking udah kebeletnya udah gak peduli lagi tuh sepi kek, rame kek! Pas tepat lagi mau dorong pintu toilet, denger suara laki2 ada 2, OMG kalang kabut gw pikir gw salah masuk toilet or salah arah geto, sampe pas udah pegang gagang pintu mundur lagi ngeliat lambang yang tertera di toilet. Ooppsss, padahal bener tuh lambang wanita, Toilet Wanita!!!!! Jadi PD bener lah masuk tuh toilet, huhu gak taunya itu mas2 OB lagi ngobrol sambil bersihin toilet mahasiswa, gubraxxx!!!
Haduhhhhh,,,kenapa juga yg bersihin Toilet cewek mesti si mas2 itu sih, kenapa bukan mbak2 gitu, gilaaa gw kan jadi shock at the moment gara2 denger suara cowok di toilet cewek, mana udah kebelettt benerrr lagi!!!
Yah, pokoknya hikmahnya sih, sekebelet apapun must be liat2 juga, bener ga sih kita masuk toilet yg sesuai dengan gender,,,hehehe!!!
So watch your step, ladies!

Demen nonton drama Asia juga, kan?

Friday, January 25, 2013
Emang kalo dipikir dengan menonton film itu bisa relieve stress  juga, apalagi nontonnya film model kaya drama Asia (kaya J Dorama, Taiwan drama or yang lagi booming Korean drama) seru banget. Meski berseri, dan segubrek banyaknya tuh seri & bikin gw bela2in nonton ampe pagi & alhasil ke kantor dgn muka nguyu alias kucel.
Kok bisa? Ya bisa lah! seru banget, masa lagi seru2nya harus di pending, sih?!? Aaahhhh ga asikkk, deh!
Nah, drama yang lagi gw tonton sih Wish To See You Again!, drama Taiwan, overall bagus sih! Yang main terkenal smua, misalnya: Ken Zhu, Vic Zhou, King One & Van Ness Wu sbg figuran yang ikut nongol. Uuuhhh si Vic itu keren banget sih disini, meski katanya ratingnya ga terlalu bagus, tapi menurut gw sih oke2 aja tuh nonton film ini sbg penghilang suntuk di akhir pekan.
Nah lucunya hobi nonton drama Asian gw ini nular ke temen kantor gw yg lama, pertama let say si R, si R ini waktu long holiday kemaren itu tuh pas lebaran, dia gw pinjemin drama Taiwan judulnya Autumn Concerto, dramanya si Van Ness Wu sama Adi An, yang keren abis dan bisa membuat gw nangis bombay gitu. Pas  masuk kerja lagi, dia bilang sama gw :
“Fani,,,aduhhh bagus banget filmnya, yg jadi anaknya si Van Ness juga lucu banget!”.
Yayaya…emang tuh anak kecil di drama itu lucu sangat, gw juga pengen nyubitin pipinya yg chubby itu. Ceriwis banget, ga nyangka klo tuh anak masih kecil seuprit! Selidik punya selidik dia namanya Xiao Xiao Bing anaknya Xiao Bing Bing yang waktu kecil juga ceriwis jadi aktor cilik maen film bareng Andy Lau. Yah pantesan aja tuh anak aktingnya keren pisan! Lah, bapake juga jago akting,  haaaaaahhhh!
And then, gara2 semangatnya gw dan si R tadi cerita, temen gw satunya si N (sebut aja si N yah…) jadi penasaran & dia akhirnya minjem-lah tuh drama, xixixi dia bela2in nonton ampe jam 2 pagi, saking serunya nonton! wadoohhh menularrr…menularrrr…ckck, akhirnya seruangan gw jadi-lah pada hobi nonton drama Asia.
So, what’s about you?

Customer Glodok apa Mangga 2?

Friday, January 25, 2013
Sebel ga sih punya customer hobinya nawar? :x (wew,,,biasa blanja di Glodok ya? apa ke Mangga 2? Pengalaman gw nih sebagai seorang bagian finance sering bener ketemu customer model begini. Malah tadi pagi udah ketemu lagi nih sama Glodokerz, dia yg salah harga di PO, malah minta keringanan (alias nawar lage mbakk!!!) supaya dia ga usah revisi PO-nya (takut dimarahin atasan apa sengaja, nih?).
“Bu, minta keringanan deh buat yang ini, gpp ya ga usah di revisi?”
Gw jawablah begini:
“Haduh bu, saya mah ga punya wewenang soal adjust harga, lagian kalo nanti yg ini di approve besok2 ibu juga jadi ga bisa revisi harga untuk barang ini, kan kata ibu di PO ibu klo harga udah segitu susah digantinya krn udah permanent di system!”
Idihhh, emang dia pikir kantor gw jualan barang di Glodok, bisa ditawar kapan aja dia mau, udah dikasih harga murmer juga masih ajaaa nawarrr,,,bargain! Halahhh bisa defisit :( perusahaan ini klo ketemu customer yang hobi nawarnya model begitu!.
Dikit2, bargain, please? Helooooooo,,,pengen bener gw jawab “maap bu ini bukan di Glodok.”  Tapi yah, apa daya itu customer geto loh, bisa2 jadi bahan gosip di pasar perdagangan bebas lagi klo bagian finance nya judes :shock:  (loh, kok jadi make istilah ekonomi begene?).
Nah, jurus jitu-nya :idea:  klo ketemu customer model begene neh, bilang aja, “I’m sorry bu/bpk, bukan wewenang saya!”. Biasanya klo dibilang begitu, dianya juga jadi hopeless klo next time mau nawar ke kita lagi. Istilah kerennya shy-shy-cat gitu. Yah, selamat berjuang deh klo nantinya ketemu sama customer tipe bargainer  :wink:.

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