The Central Park on design
As I mentioned earlier, that after coming home from church we decided to visit the Central Park Mall, now is ya the photos we've taken. My friend, Nanut has idea for taking pic in this area, This display showcase, is the window that contains the pictures of the winners of the logo-making contest for the logo design Central Park Mall. Do not know yet who's the winner, it's about candidates who advanced to the semi-finals. Many people who were eating in the restaurants around us, watching us, so embarrassed!but how else, take pictures that's cool!

Well, since this mall was new, so not so many visitors and many shops are not open alias is still in development stages such as Guess, Gap, Topshop, Zara and many food places are still under construction
There is also a playground for children, called Central World, where the play area designed like ancient aztec tribal times.
Ckckckck,,,so many fun places here,,,Oh, not to forget the awesome park outside the mall, this I give the pic where we taken picture here.
Enjoy Sunday...
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