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What you do on holiday?

Monday, March 11, 2013
Holiday has come, holiday has come! Happy Nyepi Day for those who celebrate it :D
I wake up in the morning and surfing the internet, looking my supplier website to find new updates. I wondering what I will to do on this holiday. Mostly on holiday I will listening to the music, reading comics or novels, but since I do read a lot back then I don't have any interesting list of new books :( (it's a bit disappointing me!). However, I know there's so much things I need to do. Like make a list full of soc-med-adv-strategy :D!. What you do on holiday? when someone ask you this just answer with 'I will do something good!".

Btw, now is lunch time and I need to feeding myself, hahaha! 

Well, I actually I just want to say happy holiday! ^_^V (I don't have any idea yet to post! :D)

Have a great holiday today all,


I like to negotiating :D, don't you?

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Negotiating with supplier need communication skill, sometimes I negotiate with my supplier so I can being their reseller/dropshipper even I never buy their product before. But they usually believe me when I explained to them my core business and how they will help me and how together we can get more profits (hehehe! :D). They will ask about my biz, my web, my social media page, etc.

We need to give some reasons that will gaining profits not just for us but for them too as the main supplier. I do not know them so they neither know me. But we mutually believing each other, trust is a must.

Thanks God, my suppliers always the main importer or the main produsen of the products so I can keep my price lower than others in the market. I can have them in my suppliers book because I done so much research on Google with various keywords until I found them. And found them means I need to know whether they're trusted or not, so basically I do some research again.

Remember, being an entrepreneur means we need to learn comminication skilss too. Its necessary to influenced people (with good things okay!). Trying to negotiate with supplier, even failed we can still trying again.

Happy Sunday! <3<3<3

Everywhere with my 2nd family - My Cell Group (TMII, Central Park, NAV Karaoke Bellezza)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Christmas Full Of Blessing

 with bestiest

with bestiest



 With our Pastor Bambang Sutedja


Personal & Start up business, cost control & efficiency from my experience!

Thursday, March 7, 2013
I wanna talking about cost control & cost efficiency. How we controlling cost? How to be more efficient?

img credit:www.ramco.com 

I experienced this kind of situation. While struggling with my 9-5 job and growing my business, I met with this problems. My boss always ask me to doing cost control, looking for some business processes and how to cutting some activities with non value added without affecting the whole business process for cost efficiency. As well as in my current company, my business faces this problem, why delivery cost rising? how to promoting my business without costing me so much in advertising fees? How to finding fund and make use of it with the wisest way so it'll not gone without we're never known where it flown away?.

In term of business, maintain cost is a must. I read some books about business and finance, some books about entrepreneurship and they always talk about cost efficiency and cost control especially in start-up year. I, too, read on www.under30ceo.com and www.under30finance.com, their articles help me so much in practical way to opening my biz, financing my biz and to controlling cost and make some efficiency.

So I'm doing these things to minimize cost and doing some cost efficiency:

1. Advertising can costing me millions while social media marketing cost me just my little time to advertise my biz

2. Better to advertise my product to people who close to me such as my colleagues, my best friends, my family (cousin, aunties, uncles), junior in high school because they believe in me and my web store

3. Being a dropshipper cost me less on efforts to packing, delivering packages and packing cost :D

4. My internet service packaged with cable tv also and it cost me just IDR 104.500 every month with 1 Mbps unlimited speed internet and I-forget-how-many-channel  my cable tv was since it also contain HBO family, HBO signature, AXN HD, Disney Channel, TLC, Nickelodeon, KBS, NatGeo, Animal Planet, Local TV, and many more. (Thanks God I have this complete packages, about the service provider pm me :D it's secret hahaha!!!)

5. I paid for web design service incld hosting and domain name just under IDR 500rb, but I'm doing okay with it and very satisfied :) (Thank you paketonlinestore.com!)

6. I just use the "BB Gaul package" with 3 as the provider for IDR 40k/month while I have my Samsung Galaxy Gio got the 1GB unlimited internet just for IDR 50k and can doing anything from smartphone to hotspot tethering device (So I can use my tab without paid any service provider,just use my android phone as tethering device, sharing time everyone!)

7. I using KlikBCA to do all banking matters from paying supplier, buying 3 Prabayar, receiving money from customers, checking my credit card account, and etc, all with just 1 keyBCA. It helps me a a lot and save my time not to going to atm or to the bank for doing my banking routines.

8. I download free entrepreneur books, finance accounting books, novel *grinning, and all of it saved on my tab/my BB/my Samsung Galaxy Gio so I can read it everytime and anywhere (Hey, I buying paper books too, every month I spend IDR 100k for a very great & usefull books like books for internet marketing and seo optimization, customer loyalty playbook - a great book about Net Promoter Score or NPS, fantastic cosmetics, comics *grinning again, and some novel collections)

9. Giving discounts or free shipping for my customers with xxx purchase, will cost me a much as discount or shipping fee but remember that's the way we treat good and loyal customer, cheaper than advertising cost but more powerful effects and I called it investment for future, hohoho!

10. Save your coins! Everytime you have coins from exchange put it on a box for a while, after the box full with coins, bring it to traditional shop and change it with paper money then store it to yoi bank account (save...save...save...!!!)

11. While doing these efficiency things, I do finding fund too for my biz. Hmmmm, the easiest way is to borrow from my office with 0% interest, but....I'm not doing this!!! (Okay, it's a bit humiliating to borrow from office anyway!), what I do is to save my money from salary, then invest it in my biz. I start with small amount of IDR 1.5 Mio, then use it on my biz and that money start generating (wow!!!) so it become IDR 2-3 Mio, When my capital deficit I adding some sum of capital. And that's the way I keeping my fund on PLUS :D!

That's it, hope it helps everyone! I like controlling cost but I do want to still getting the best from what I want with some efficiency. Happy Day!


Start-Up Entrepreneur, From my point of view!

Monday, March 4, 2013
ENTREPRENEUR isn't something we should scary about, indeed it is something we need to trying to do.

From last month I officially opened my online shop, focusing on retailing Korean cosmetics & skin care, knit fashion & Import dresses from China, Hong Kong & Taiwan. So, after soooo many doubtful thinking about "Am I open this business or not?", courageously I paid some sum of money to a web designer and they helped me in created my Web store with OpenCart based. After about 1 year growing this business only from my BlackBerry device (also with the help of my Android phone & Tablet), word of mouth & Facebook, finally this web store created.

I named this online shop with WINTERIZE SHOPPE, so that's why I choose domain name www.winterizeshoppe.com , my partner help me created WinShop logo and web banner for my web store. It was such a great experience. I tried to becoming an entrepreneur. My heart beating, its like gambling in some way :D! And proud it other way! I started the term of entrepreneurship. And I'm now happily growing this business and tried some creative ideas to get the market share. It's like playing game, I love KairoSoft game from Game Dev Story, Hot Sprig Story, Mega Mall Story to Dream Days House, I feel those kind of feeling when opening this business, hahaha! #LOL

This is my passion, the passion I want to share with all of you. Waking up your entrepreneur instinct, and try to do the best with your business (anything maybe your hobby, any thing you like, anything that matters you!), I know in the start up years always tough. But it depends on how you build your business through marketing idea, how you interact with customer to get your loyal customer. I said a loyal customer, someone who always buy from you even there are so many same business as yours outside, form your loyal customer point of view yours the best and don't forget about your star-up capital ^_^. I started this business about 9 months ago, to fill in my leisure time & filled in my entrepreneur ego ^_^ but as time goes by I love doing it, and more seriously to make this business growing!.

Start up years, could be tough, but even if it's tough we could do it because it is our own passion. Make yours different, I found most of entrepreneur always have their own way of selling, way of thinking but always have the same felling of passion. We like to doing what we like, right?
Also we need to equipping Our self with more knowledge about entrepreneurship. I subscribed under30ceo and read entrepreneur magz, also some entrepreneur books. Mostly, I read from under30ceo because there are sooooo many helpful tips and very applicable. With equipping ourself, we have guidance to doing business from the right people. If you have questions about anything in my start-up business, I am gladly to answer. Just pm or email me tifani.zulfiana@gmail.com.

Happy Entrepreneurship!



Toilet oh toilet!

Friday, January 25, 2013
Berhubung gw dulunya anak kuliah yang nyambi kerja (ehem…demi mencukupi kebutuhan akan tuition fees alias uang semesteran) jadi gw ambil kuliah kelas malam b’coz dari pagi hingga sore kerja. Nah pernah  ditengah2 berjalannya kuliah, berasa pengen ke toilet. Cuma emang sih T_T takut ke toilet nya soalnya diluar kelas tuh sepiiii sekaleee,,,lagi jamnya kuliah sih! Nah the story begin
Waktu di depan toilet cewek, saking udah kebeletnya udah gak peduli lagi tuh sepi kek, rame kek! Pas tepat lagi mau dorong pintu toilet, denger suara laki2 ada 2, OMG kalang kabut gw pikir gw salah masuk toilet or salah arah geto, sampe pas udah pegang gagang pintu mundur lagi ngeliat lambang yang tertera di toilet. Ooppsss, padahal bener tuh lambang wanita, Toilet Wanita!!!!! Jadi PD bener lah masuk tuh toilet, huhu gak taunya itu mas2 OB lagi ngobrol sambil bersihin toilet mahasiswa, gubraxxx!!!
Haduhhhhh,,,kenapa juga yg bersihin Toilet cewek mesti si mas2 itu sih, kenapa bukan mbak2 gitu, gilaaa gw kan jadi shock at the moment gara2 denger suara cowok di toilet cewek, mana udah kebelettt benerrr lagi!!!
Yah, pokoknya hikmahnya sih, sekebelet apapun must be liat2 juga, bener ga sih kita masuk toilet yg sesuai dengan gender,,,hehehe!!!
So watch your step, ladies!

Demen nonton drama Asia juga, kan?

Emang kalo dipikir dengan menonton film itu bisa relieve stress  juga, apalagi nontonnya film model kaya drama Asia (kaya J Dorama, Taiwan drama or yang lagi booming Korean drama) seru banget. Meski berseri, dan segubrek banyaknya tuh seri & bikin gw bela2in nonton ampe pagi & alhasil ke kantor dgn muka nguyu alias kucel.
Kok bisa? Ya bisa lah! seru banget, masa lagi seru2nya harus di pending, sih?!? Aaahhhh ga asikkk, deh!
Nah, drama yang lagi gw tonton sih Wish To See You Again!, drama Taiwan, overall bagus sih! Yang main terkenal smua, misalnya: Ken Zhu, Vic Zhou, King One & Van Ness Wu sbg figuran yang ikut nongol. Uuuhhh si Vic itu keren banget sih disini, meski katanya ratingnya ga terlalu bagus, tapi menurut gw sih oke2 aja tuh nonton film ini sbg penghilang suntuk di akhir pekan.
Nah lucunya hobi nonton drama Asian gw ini nular ke temen kantor gw yg lama, pertama let say si R, si R ini waktu long holiday kemaren itu tuh pas lebaran, dia gw pinjemin drama Taiwan judulnya Autumn Concerto, dramanya si Van Ness Wu sama Adi An, yang keren abis dan bisa membuat gw nangis bombay gitu. Pas  masuk kerja lagi, dia bilang sama gw :
“Fani,,,aduhhh bagus banget filmnya, yg jadi anaknya si Van Ness juga lucu banget!”.
Yayaya…emang tuh anak kecil di drama itu lucu sangat, gw juga pengen nyubitin pipinya yg chubby itu. Ceriwis banget, ga nyangka klo tuh anak masih kecil seuprit! Selidik punya selidik dia namanya Xiao Xiao Bing anaknya Xiao Bing Bing yang waktu kecil juga ceriwis jadi aktor cilik maen film bareng Andy Lau. Yah pantesan aja tuh anak aktingnya keren pisan! Lah, bapake juga jago akting,  haaaaaahhhh!
And then, gara2 semangatnya gw dan si R tadi cerita, temen gw satunya si N (sebut aja si N yah…) jadi penasaran & dia akhirnya minjem-lah tuh drama, xixixi dia bela2in nonton ampe jam 2 pagi, saking serunya nonton! wadoohhh menularrr…menularrrr…ckck, akhirnya seruangan gw jadi-lah pada hobi nonton drama Asia.
So, what’s about you?

Customer Glodok apa Mangga 2?

Sebel ga sih punya customer hobinya nawar? :x (wew,,,biasa blanja di Glodok ya? apa ke Mangga 2? Pengalaman gw nih sebagai seorang bagian finance sering bener ketemu customer model begini. Malah tadi pagi udah ketemu lagi nih sama Glodokerz, dia yg salah harga di PO, malah minta keringanan (alias nawar lage mbakk!!!) supaya dia ga usah revisi PO-nya (takut dimarahin atasan apa sengaja, nih?).
“Bu, minta keringanan deh buat yang ini, gpp ya ga usah di revisi?”
Gw jawablah begini:
“Haduh bu, saya mah ga punya wewenang soal adjust harga, lagian kalo nanti yg ini di approve besok2 ibu juga jadi ga bisa revisi harga untuk barang ini, kan kata ibu di PO ibu klo harga udah segitu susah digantinya krn udah permanent di system!”
Idihhh, emang dia pikir kantor gw jualan barang di Glodok, bisa ditawar kapan aja dia mau, udah dikasih harga murmer juga masih ajaaa nawarrr,,,bargain! Halahhh bisa defisit :( perusahaan ini klo ketemu customer yang hobi nawarnya model begitu!.
Dikit2, bargain, please? Helooooooo,,,pengen bener gw jawab “maap bu ini bukan di Glodok.”  Tapi yah, apa daya itu customer geto loh, bisa2 jadi bahan gosip di pasar perdagangan bebas lagi klo bagian finance nya judes :shock:  (loh, kok jadi make istilah ekonomi begene?).
Nah, jurus jitu-nya :idea:  klo ketemu customer model begene neh, bilang aja, “I’m sorry bu/bpk, bukan wewenang saya!”. Biasanya klo dibilang begitu, dianya juga jadi hopeless klo next time mau nawar ke kita lagi. Istilah kerennya shy-shy-cat gitu. Yah, selamat berjuang deh klo nantinya ketemu sama customer tipe bargainer  :wink:.

Bengong?!? DON'T!

Pernah gw & fiancee chatting di ym, pas udahan dia bilang gini:
“Hati2 dijalan ya, jangan bengong lagi loh!”
Gubraxxx, nyindir bener sih! Gara2 beberapa hari sebelumnya, pulang ngantor kaga dijemput doi, numpang temen ampe setengah jalan lanjutlah naek angkot, pas diangkot kebetulan lagi hujan, di-iringi suasana yang adem itu berkelanalah pikiran gw alias gw BENGONG.
Bengong apa, sih? Banyak, susah juga diceritainnya, bengong mikirin gmn klo bisa kerja ke luar negeri, terus bengong lagi mikir betapa baiknya Tuhan Yesus sama gw & keluarga gw, bengong mikirin kuliah gw yang notabene udah masuk taon ke 5 belon kelar2 akibat gw cuti 2 semester. Lagi enak2nya bengong, tiba2 kesadar, haduh udah sampe mana nih gw?. Nengok ke kanan & ke kiri, keatas & ke bawah (loh, ini ngapain sih?lagi senam SKJ?/o/ hehehe…) ternyata oh ternyata udah kelewat, untungnya ga terlalu jauh, nah masalahnya adalah cowok gw tuh udah nungguin di depan kompleknya.
Gw stop lah tuh abang angkot, turun dengan kondisi cuaca HUJAN, bawa BANYAK barang (Helm, jaket & tas). Saking ribet, gw pake lah tuh helm ditengah hujan yg ngga jelas deres apa ngga, malu2 gw ambil HP dan calling cowok gw.
“Hun, aku kelebihan nih turunnya, jemput aku dunk dimari!
Cowok gw heran kenapa gw bisa nyasar padahal sering kesono, hihihi, jadi malu gw pas dia jemput gw, ngakulah gw kalo gw BENGONG! Cowok gw ketawa2 dengerin gw cerita nyambi liatin muka gw yg memerah karna malu yang tak bisa disembunyikan. Huffffff…~~~gara2 BENGONG!
Pokoknya klo lagi di angkot jgn bengong, yah! Waspada! Hahahaha…

New Year, New Beginning

Sunday, January 20, 2013
Happy New Year!!! This new year is the new beginning, right?

I've been finished my bachelor degree in management accounting, have a great job and started to growing up my business as well. How bout you?what's you resolution in 2013? How happy I am, very blessed an I am trying to blessings others with all my talents God has given to me.

I love to being free, and intended to put my efforts full on my start-up business, Winterize Shoppe, a shop for personal care, skin care and clothing. I sell korean cosmetics, skin care and knit fashion, jeggings, pants, etc.  I love to doing marketing of my business since I help some people to find the best skin care that suit their skin best. And sometimes it works out well, so I am moreee happy to doing it again and again...

I'm start instagram to make my shop more searchable on instagram, on twitter, on facebook and recently on wiz.com, I tried to make a show up free web at wix.com. I am going those social media marketing to gain attention for my shop and sure it works out well enough. Some people add my Blackberry pin then join my group. Then after read some business insight on under30ceo.com I gain a conclusion that it needs an online shop website to make everything goes out well, to manage the customer database, to manage any complain, to gain testimonials and many more advantage. But still to leave my job now is what bothered me, maybe I need to save more and make it as saving for starts-up capital and my daily expense on growing this online shops. 

Btw, you can find my shop, all original and ready stok korean cosmetik range from bb cream, eye liner, eye shadow, pact & powder, etc also the fashion clothing on Instagram/Twitter/Facebook search with words "Winterize Shoppe". As for 1x24 hours the products will be sent to your place asap! :)

And about my resolution, this year are: 
  1. More closely with God
  2. Growing my business
  3. Saving more, shopping less
  4. Marriage planning and going to pre-married class in our Church
  5. Find another job with better remuneration than before and step up with my carrier 
  6. Buy a flat or a house
  7. Buy a car
  8. Keep socializing with families, friends, etc
  9. Doing lot of great & good things
  10. Pursuing my master degree :) abroad with scholarship

So what's your resolution? Kepe praying so that God will bless us more and make our dreams come true and our resolutions come true too. Have a nice day!



Blood Donor Day ~ 1st time Donating My Blood!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012
So, what I wanna share is my first experience donating my blood to the Indonesian Red Cross Association at my new office, Maruni Glass. When the human resource department announced us that on Saturday they will held Blood Donor Day at my office, I was so excited to participate in such event, so I register as a donor. Until this Saturday, the doctor took my blood test to knowing about my HB score and my blood pressure to make sure that I am good enough to be a donor. And they told me to waiting until my turn so they can take my blood into a blood plastic bag.


And my time coming, I was laying on the bed, the doctor put the syringe to my hand and it is really ache for a sec! I was nervous enough to participate in this event since it's my first time to donor my blood. The doctor gives sticker to my blood bags with "O" sign (hehe, I have the O type of blood! :D ). 

Anyway, it is very exciting & even though I have some bad experience after this blood donor, which is I'm kinda headache for a while and wanna faint at that time, but all my colleague here are kind enough, they massaged my head, my hand and my shoulder and give me some hot tea with bread. I am waiting for my second blood donor turn, waiting for my next Blood donor story!!!

Happy Day,


What I've been doing lately?!?

Thursday, May 24, 2012
Hi all, I'm back!


Lately, I've been so busy with this whole office things. From struggling with the new job till moving on to new office. What's take my interest these day is promotional video of SAMSUNG MP3 - YEPP, JUST DRAG where Jang Geun Suk is the main actor also the singer.

Isn't he so cute and gorgeous and...and...and...handsome (also made me melted!)!!!!!!!!!!?????!!!!! I like to watched this video Again & Again & Again (Hahaha, 2PM Mania!).

Oh yeaaa, I just bought The Face Shop - HD Perfect BB Cream (Natural Beige) for US$30 and its covered my skin perfectly, but I have problems with my face, My skin looks so dry and when I use this BB Cream, looking not so creamy but more like powder put on my face. Still it's Ok! I need to put on more moist to my face then applying this BB cream on it. Anyone already use it?please share you're experience in using BB Cream with me.

I bought 2 for sure, and I want to exchange 1 with The Face Shop Power Perfection because its flawless finishing look.

Well, I always been doing sooooo many things, thanks God for all your blessings to me!!!

Happy Day,


Asiknya jadi nasabah BCA, semuanya jadi mudah!

Sunday, May 6, 2012
Pertama kali punya rekening Tahapan BCA itu waktu kuliah semester 4. Karena sudah bekerja dan diharuskan untuk punya rekening BCA buat transfer gaji setiap bulannya, makanya buat Tahapan BCA plus kartu ATM Goldnya (ciehhh sok keren, padahal yang silver aja juga bisa!). Masih cupu banget soal banking pada saat itu, mulai ngga cupunya tuh waktu di kantor diajarin pake internet banking untuk bayar-bayar supplier, tergiur juga deh untuk menggunakan layanan perbankan e-bankingnya BCA (KlikBCA) untuk mempermudah transaksi supaya gak harus ke atm buat transfer-transfer or ga perlu ke CS BCA buat print buku tabungan, soalnya mutasi rekening kan kelihatan di KlikBCA. 

Daftarnya gampang banget, cuma ke ATM BCA terus klik menu daftar e-banking, masukin pin yang di-inginkan and then cling...keluar deh ID ebankingnya (Awas, jangan kasih tau orang yah ID e-bankingnya). Nah, belom puas nih cuma bisa liat saldo dan mutasi di KlikBCA, mulai deh daftar keyBCA (gaya euy biar keren diliatnya punya KeyBCA!) di customer service BCA, CS nya BCA menurut aku paling ramah deh, semua info mengenai KlikBCA,  keyBCA serta penggunaannya dikasih tau. Apalagi yah saat itu tuh aku banyak nanya saking curious-nya tuh tapi CS-nya tetap dengan senang hati melayani aku loh!. Ini demi kemudahan transaksi perbankanku, makanya aku banyak nanya.
So, setelah punya keyBCA segala transaksi jadi lebih mudah, cuma buka komputer or hp yang konek internet bisa langsung transfer-transfer deh!. Oh iya, bulan Maret lalu aku kan apply produk perbankan BCA yaitu kartu kredit BCA Everyday Card plus BCA Visa, setelah aplikasiku disetujui, kartu kreditnya aku pakai buat cicil console game, bunganya? 0% donk...asiknya pake BCA tuh gitu cicilannya banyak yang 0% tenornya sih 6 bulan.

Asik banget deh pake BCA Everyday card, tiap belanja di hypermarket dapet cash back, yuhuuuuu! Jadi sekarang aku kurangin deh semua penggunaan uang tunai buat belanja di hypermarket, cukup gesek kartu kredit BCA Everyday card...ooops jgn salah paham yah, meski bayar belanjaan pake kartu kredit tapi udah disediakan kok uang tunainya cuma bedanya uang tunainya di endapin di rekening buat bayar kartu kredit bulan depannya, biar dapet reward BCA geto loh, hihihi gak mau rugi banget deh!!!!!.

Tagihan kartu kredit pun aku konekin ke klikBCA, ku supaya gampang cek transaksi, hehehe, biar ga over limit gitu! Dan bisa cek kira-kira bulan depan berapa sih tagihan kartu kredit yang harus dibayar. Asik banget kan pake klikBCA, all in one, transaksi jadi mudah. Oh iya belom lama aku dikirimin trolley bag dari BCA karena aku udah pake kartu kredit Rp 3.000.000, sesuai promonya BCA kalo apply kartu kredit BCA periode feb-april 2012 dan sudah bertransaksi Rp 3.000.000 dalam 3 bulan pertama bisa dapat hadiah trolley bag, makasih yah BCA keren banget deh trolley bag orange-nya!.

Pokoknya bank favorit aku ya BCA, semuanya mudah, aturannya ga ribet dan simple. Udah gitu cicilannya juga bunganya ngga besar, belom lama juga aku beli DVD player dan headset di salah satu toko elektronik besar di Jakarta, karena aku udah pernah baca di buku panduan penggunaan kartu kredit BCA tentang cara mengubah transaksi belanja min. Rp 500.000 jadi cicilan BCA dengan bunga promo 0.75% per bulan, jadi setelah belanja disana aku telpon deh HaloBCA di 500888 buat mengubah transaksi tadi menjadi transaksi cicilan BCA dengan tenor 12 bln. Mudah banget, kan? udah gitu waktu aku call CS HaloBCA dia kasih tau aku kalo aku bisa dapet bunga promo khusus sebesar 0.5% karena transaksi yang aku lakukan menggunakan BCA Everyday card. Yuhuuuuu, asik banget...bunganya ringan banget!. 

Nah, niatan aku nih sekarang mau buka deposito BCA sebagai salah satu instrumen investasiku untuk jangka menengah (buat dana married geto loh!). Bunganya lumayan tinggi dan yang pasti aman dong!. Dan mau coba fasilitas BCA KlikPay buat mempermudah transaksi pembelian online dan tentunya lebih aman dalam bertransaksi, seremkan pakai kartu kredit buat belanja online. Oh iya, rencananya nih pengen juga mengajukan KPR BCA untuk beli rumah impian supaya pas udah mmaried punya tempat tinggal yang ideal, kan bunganya rendah tuh, tapi kayaknya nanti deh setelah married, kalo sekarang mungkin mau pakai instrumen investasi BCA dulu aja deh!. 

Kalo soal keinginan dan rencana masa depan aku, tentu aja sama lah dengan banyak orang supaya tercapai kebebasan finansial, maka itu butuh belajar banyak hal soal investasi dan hal-hal berbau perbankan, misalnya pinjaman modal usaha seperti kredit lokal BCA atau time loan revolvingnya BCA (uhuyyy kok aku tau sih??ya iya lah, aku kan finance payable & banking officer di kantor jadi tau lah yang beginian, kebetulan kantorku juga pakai BCA untuk kredit lokalnya!), kan ngga mau selamanya kerja sama orang jadi udah harus planning buat buka usaha sendiri .

Intinya BCA selalu memberi solusi perbankan terbaik buat para nasabahnya, deh!. Dibuktikan dengan jaringan ATM BCA yang banyak banget dan mudah ditemukan dimana-mana (apalagi di seantero Jakarta!).

Hey aku hampir lupa nih, BCA kan baru launching website baru, www.bca.co.id tuh! Semua informasi tentang BCA mulai dari corporate info sampai produk yang ditawarkan BCA juga ada loh disini, komplit plus dengan saran-saran untuk berinvestasi sesuai kebutuhan (entah itu individual atau corporate, jangka pendek, menengah atau jangka panjang).  Semoga BCA selalu mengeluarkan inovasi-inovasi perbankan yang mempermudah customernya (termasuk saya yah!) dalam melakukan transaksi perbankan.

Nah gimana tertarik jadi nasabah BCA setelah baca pengalamanku ini? Buruan deh ke cabang BCA terdekat dan buka Tahapan BCA.

Cara konekin kartu kredit BCA Card kita ke KlikBCA:
Masuk ke KlikBCA -> Administrasi -> Registrasi Inquiry Kartu Kredit -> Isi data dan tunggu sekitar 1-3 hari kerja sudah langsung terkonek ke KlikBCA, bisa di cek dibagian Informasi Kartu Kredit, kalo sudah konek bisa cek sisa dana limit kartu kredit, cek transaksi tagihan kartu kredit & tiap bulannya bisa lihat tagihan kartu kredit total, jadi ga bakalan over limit deh :D



Hola, I'm back!

Saturday, January 28, 2012
It's been quite a while since the last time I updated this blog, It's because I'm so busy these days then and honestly I dunno what to write?!? (^_^)V.  

This time I wanna share about a very good Tumblr blog, it is littlemisspaintbrush, I accidentally know this blog, and I love her drawing because its so cute to see. Maybe you can relax a while and seeing her blog, it is worth it by the way. 

And there's a new manga I recommended to read, it is Love Buttton aka Kokoro Botan by Usami Maki, with its simple and very cute drawing and with a thump-thump story (hahaha, what is thump2 by the way?!? :D ). The story about Nina and Koga, for full manga review (contain spoiler! ;)) you can read from bebexiushoujo - kokoro-botan.

credit to mangareader.net

Then, I bought 2 manhwa from Gramedia Bookstore, Bittersweet Highschool Vol. 2 and Vol. 3, finished in one day! hahaha, since I like to read on holiday! yahooo...funny story!
Nah, I wanna told you that I recently played Tokimeki Memorial Girl's Side 1st Love with NDS emu (No$Gba) on my VAIO laptop and its run well on it. I already patched it to English, since the game originally use Japanese. Sadly, I dunno why I couldn't had a happy end with Hazuki Kei, OMG...so difficult even it is just sim-dating game.
Otome game by Konami, Tokimeki Memorial (ときめきメモリアル) Girl's Side 1st Love PLUS for Nintendo DS and DSi

credit to moresay.com

Hey this was my artwork, not quite good, but it's ok for me because I am not a pro for kind like this:

And I was so excited when known that Paradise Kiss (from manga with the same name by Ai Yazawa) had been made to movie, I already watched it yesterday and fell in love with Osamu Mukai (OMG he's so handsome here, paired with Keiko Kitagawa, what a lovely movie!). Keiko is so stunning! Why  she can be so thin but yet beauty? *oohhh, so envy!

 credit to felicicty30

So, I did a lot of things this 1st month of the New Year, what about you? 

Have a very great experience in this new year all, God bless! :D


My Reading List For A Month

Friday, November 11, 2011
I have so much books waiting to read, so here's the romance novel list I already read since last month:
  • Paradise by Juditch McNaught 
  • Perfect by Judith McNaught
  • Night Whisper by Judith McNaught
  • Only His by Susan Mallery
  • Only Mine by Susan Mallery
  • Only You by Susan Mallery
  • Delicious by Susan Mallery
  • Falling For Gracie by Susan Mallery
  • Ain't She Sweet by Susan Elizabeth Philips
  • Just Imagine by Susan Elizabeth Philips
  • Glitter Baby by Susan Elizabeth Philips
  • This Heart Of Mine by Susan Elizabeth Philips
  • His Unknown Heir by Chantelle Shaw
  • Valerie Frankel - Hex
  • His Heir, Her Honor - Catherine Mann
  • Scandalicious - Allison Hobbs
  • The Year of Living Shamelessly - Susanna Carr
  • The Seductive One (Marcelli Bride) - Susan Mallery

My Lord...My Lord...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

My Lord, Please...
If I am angry, make me calm
If I am hate others, make it gone
If I said dirty words, throw that words forever
If I doing the sin things, forgive me and don't let me do that things again

My Lord...
Eventhough my life not as beautiful as I expect
Not good as I want
Not like ordinary people
But I thankful and be grateful for all You have done to me
Because I knew I am extraordinary

With silence and always in Your way
Always in Your warm and peaceful love
I am not broken because I am Yours

Though what I get not as I want
Though this family aren't perfect
I belief You always by our side
I belief You care for us
I belief You give us only the best
I belief we're born for some specific purpose You planned for us long before we're even born
I belief Your plans for us are for the good sake of all people so they may seen Your love toward us

Thats why I always belief in You, My Lord
The One and Only God...
Jesus Christ
The One who proven His love for this world
And do so much miracle in my life
And always giving me wisdom and knowledge and all the talents
So that I can glorify Your Name and to brings Your Kingdom into the world

My Lord...

Indonesia & Higher Education

Friday, August 26, 2011

Indonesia, my lovely and wonderful country with more than 200million citizen faced with complex education problem. Start with the highly tuition fee for college student till cheating problem in National Final Test from junior high through senior high, so sadly to know this. In others condition, I see many Indonesian student going abroad mostly US and Australia to take higher education which is for sure are for upper class family who can cover tuition cost in foreign univ or college.

This kind of situation made me think "why this situation seems highly contrary?in one side most senior high graduate cannot afford their tuition fees so they choose to working with low paid salaries, in other side there are so much senior high student can easily going abroad without afraid they can't paid tuition fees!"

When I googling and find that in US there's more than 10 univ and college grant 100% free tuition for their students but still can provide best education for them, in exchange they should working 10-20 hours in campus area such as administration job, working in hotel owned by campus,etc. This way also equipping student with useful skils that will be useful enough hen they enterig the real world. In addition, they also get fund from alumni and corporate or company.

I do think this kind of college why Indonesian higher edu institution cannot follow this good issue to help better and reachable Indonesian higher education need. Assume if 20% Indonesian big company do their CSR to provide better higher education in Indonesia, such free tuition college can be established in here too. In exchange they can get future better employees from the college or uni where they provide them the tuition fund.

It is great to choosing your own employee from the college or uni where your philosophy are spreading around the uni or college you build or funding. So you know the quality of the employee you hired, right?

It is my dream, to establishing tuition free college. So I want to work hard to make it happen!!!



The story of mine, whatever it was...

Saturday, April 16, 2011
I do think a long time to take an English course to improve my English Grammar, writing skill & speaking ability...but it's so difficult to find a place with oh-so-great quality but in lower price since I paid my own college tuition fee, it makes me uncomfortable to paid such a high price for English course. So I decided to learn English online, free from the world wide web as we called www. But I don't know why, if it is because I don't hace humanly tutor nor it is just me who too lazy to learn, so "learn English online" didn't work too well for me, really! that's tough! 

I know learn English means a lot to pursuing my career in the future as what I dreaming ~ take my master degree abroad ~ so English is a must! 

Then I changing my track from learn English to learn Norwegian language, why??? since I fallen in love with this beautiful country with its best mountain view and it costs me free tuition fees for master degree, so I finally decided to get my master degree here, or at least in Australia, if God permitted, of course!

Another question raise, why Australia? no doubt Australia is one of the best place to study, best environment for learning, even it's costs so much for the tuition fee, but it's OK, I can work part time, here in this great country, together with my boyfriend - after we're married surely! - and he can work full time then help me to pay my tuition fees, also I have a lot of friends that already there to studying, so it means I have partners which they could help me to going there easily without so much struggle.

Well, that was based on my planning, not with the exact calculation, since I could change my mind easily (since I knew I'm ENFP, so anything's possible! :p) before I decide what the best for me, of course I need to pray and ask God what I should to do while I give my best efforts to make my dreams come true, the dreams that " I want to educating my self abroad to praise my God, meet so many people from another continent, learn their cultural & behaviors, tasting new food culture - especially Europe & Japanese cuisine - then learn the way they think about something, about educating system, before go back to Indonesia where I'll developing what I found when I'm abroad in positive ways, with various addition things to make Indonesia's better (quite high dream, huh?)"

Some of my friends tell me that I altered my plan so easy, and it makes me no direction to pursue my future. But I told them, "no prob, it's OK, It's because I want the best choice for me, the best way to taken". The thing that I learn is, no matter what people said just believe in your feeling & do the best efforts we can do & don't forget to give your plan to God.

Now what I do is learning! In progress to finished my bachelor's degree, here, in my wonderful & loveliest country I've ever know (it's too much exaggerated, huh? hahaha,,,) - DAMN, I LOVE INDONESIA!!! - TRAVEL WARNING: DANGEROUSLY BEAUTIFUL INDONESIA -
You'll regret not to come hereeee,,,,the one & only country with so many archipelagos - about 17.000 - despite it's negative comment growing outside, my country is the best! try to think, my President holds responsible to take care of about 17.000 island with its 245million citizens - how come! so big country!.

I just never accepted the way foreign people think about my country, about the bomb case, about the Legian bomb case or another negatives stories surrounding about my country. They didn't know what Indonesia is - hello, it is the place when little Obama taken elementary grade 6th !- but they know what Bali is, they think "Bali - The Goddess Island" as the country itself, but they wrong! Bali is just an island from it's 17.000 archipelagos located in INDONESIA!  Meanwhile the "BRAIN TERROR" isn't Indonesia citizen but Malaysian name Dr. Azhari & Nurdin M. Top!!!!

So for all those foreigner, please don't mind all the negative voices outside there, you should know we're here so friendly people with the best smile & always kind to everyone, no matter you're "BULE - we called for foreigner)" or not BULE.

I appreciated so much for those who loves Indonesia as their 2nd home, as I appreciated my elderly pastor from Australia, Jeff Hammond, he loves this country so much that he said if he was born again he wants to be Indonesian citizen. And the newest news is....do you know that Lady Gaga used Indonesian fashion designer for her photoshoot in Harper Bazaar US May 2011 edition? (She used one of Tex Saverio collection called La Glacon)

(La Glacon In Jakarta's Fashion Week by Tex Saverio)

Enjoy your day, 


My Slideshow
