tHola ... when traveling in Lembang we do outbound and very funny, a nice tired ...We divided into teams for competition outbound then we played a lot of outbound training activities in the ground. And see this funny picture, taken when my sales manager got in trouble he tried to cross the pond on a large bamboo. This is really very funny, when he tried to cross the pool without a large bamboo handles, some of my office friends make fun of him with a bamboo swing until my manager is no longer balanced, and finally he hung on bamboo, although he eventually crashed into a shelter dirty water.
haha,,, / o /
I was never able to stop laughing when I saw this picture again and again. Poor him, because the mischief of my friends and he never knew why he had fallen into the dirty pounds. And of course I could not cross the pound as well, but almost there, but my foot slipped at the end of the bamboo, and baaanggg ... I plunged into the dirty water, but it was just my feet and I've scratched that time (huhuhu, it's pain really!
Yesss, although my legs ache and pain, but we then have fun and enjoy our trip, there is a unity and bond between us. There we laugh together, work together in our team so that we can win every competition
Enjoy trip...
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