Hmm, remember now I was reading Church Shift???
So this is my own review about the first chapter of this book, This 1st chap is about "Civil Power"
(I dunno another meaning in English about "Kekuasaan Rakyat", and I think it's the best meaning to description that).
I like the way Pastor Sunday wrote the line. Love this book so much! From this 1st chapter I knoe what is the truly meaning about God's commands. He wants me (as much as He wants you!) not just to be telling story about savior but also to save people life, save their souls and not just to be built churches or just taught them theorize.
The right things are we should help them to believe Gos, taught them the how and make them feel the way God had done the best things in our life so that they know the truly essence about Him.
Many Christians worked for their own church success, for their community or to make their church bigger and bigger!!! But this book have made me think twice. God's Kingdom is here, it's not talks about Church or Heaven (For God's sake it's here!now!). We're God's ambassador. Why all this time we're focuses about our personal Christianity? or build a church? For long time we search where is God's Kingdom and want it to come quickly meanwhile we didn't know it's already here and just to be found.
God's Kingdom is our call like in Matthew 20:19 to make all nation His disciples and taught them the way He taught us. God's Kingdom is our daily activities who impacting people. Pastor Sunday taught me about doing the right thing, what God wants and leave the sins.
Okay let's talk about church, what's church is as Pastor Sunday wrote is training place. Place to train us to become the real God's ambassador. Get the lesson and implementing it outside and get the impact.
So this is review for 1st chapter as what I read. So wanna know it more? just read the book, okey?
Enjoy reading...
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