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My hobby is reading, so are you?

Sunday, February 28, 2010
Reading is my main hobby besides my others hobbies. I realized I was like reading (also writing!) since I was in elementary 2nd. I loves to read all books that I found, all kind of books. The first book that took my attention is the science book. I like to read about solar eclipse and moon eclipse, also about the air and the solar system. After that I knew about comic that I read the most until now, I liking to read Doraemon, The Casper & Wendy's, The Richie Rich and The Anderson's comics.

I tried to read novel when I'm in 6th grade, I read about the malory towers series & the famous five by Enyd Blyton also trio detective by Alfred Hitchcock (My friend's novel, not mine!). And when in junior high school I'm fallen in love with Harry Potter series (you knew what I fell at that time, when The Potter's so famous in whole world!).

So how about you? Are you like to reading too? I hope that you enjoying your time when you read through my blog's and always had a desire to come back here again friends. 

Holiday and we know what we will do,,,Basketbal!!!

Friday, February 26, 2010
Yesterday was holiday, even just for one day holiday me and some of my cell group friends doing sports in Semanggi (you can call it clover) Apartment where one of my friend living there. We played fun basketball, doing fitness and we do 3on3 match. Haha...It's so fun for us to played together.

Also we celebrated Eric's birthday in the basketball court!!!haha...but it's still fun and we prayed for him in his birthday so God always by his side and blessed him. And whole of us gave him a present and we memorize this event with some photo. Happy Birthday Eric!!!

Enjoy holiday...

Office Trip Outbound At Lembang

Thursday, February 25, 2010
 tHola ... when traveling in Lembang we do outbound and very funny, a nice tired ...We divided into teams for competition outbound then we played a lot of outbound training activities in the ground. And see this funny picture, taken when my sales manager got in trouble he tried to cross the pond on a large bamboo. This is really very funny, when he tried to cross the pool without a large bamboo handles, some of my office friends make fun of him with a bamboo swing until my manager is no longer balanced, and finally he hung on bamboo, although he eventually crashed into a shelter dirty water. 

haha,,, / o / MySpaceI was never able to stop laughing when I saw this picture again and again. Poor him, because the mischief of my friends and he never knew why he had fallen into the dirty pounds. And of course I could not cross the pound as well, but almost there, but my foot slipped at the end of the bamboo, and baaanggg ... I plunged into the dirty water, but it was just my feet and I've scratched that time (huhuhu, it's pain really! MySpace).

Yesss, although my legs ache and pain, but we then have fun and enjoy our trip, there is a unity and bond between us. There we laugh together, work together in our team so that we can win every competition MySpace.

Enjoy trip...

My Office Trip To Lembang, Bandung, Indonesia

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hello all, what I wanna to share here is about my trip with office to Lembang, Bandung on August 1st-2nd 2009. Just for you know, Lembang is a village above the Mount of Tangkuban Perahu (hmmm, we called it tangkuban perahu because the appearance of that mountain like overturned boat!).

/0/ yooo...look at this pic, this is pic of Bandung...I taken this pic from inside the car(not clearly to see huh?) . We were too exited to be able to got there soon. So I taken some pic while we're still in the highway, haha!lol
Even this was not the best pic, but I want you to look this pic just for fun...haha!!!I tried so hard to make the pic clearly to see while the car still on the fastest speed.

And now see this beautiful pic of "Kawah Besar"(Big Crater) of Tangkuban Perahu. I taken this by myself, looks better huh?
So many photo me and my office mate had already taken. We love to took photo! And we're not realized that we had been taking so many picture.

And this is place where we have to eaten at SANTIKA RESTO, this place was really...really beautiful with the mountain view and so many trees all around us, also there've been place for outbound. The foods also had good taste (Sundanese food!). This place near the entrance of Mount Tangkuban Perahu(our next destination after eaten there).

Enjoy holiday...enjoy trip...

Church Shift Review

Monday, February 22, 2010

Hmm, remember now I was reading Church Shift???
So this is my own review about the first chapter of this book, This 1st chap is about "Civil Power"
(I dunno another meaning in English about "Kekuasaan Rakyat", and I think it's the best meaning to description that).

I like the way Pastor Sunday wrote the line. Love this book so much! From this 1st chapter I knoe what is the truly meaning about God's commands. He wants me (as much as He wants you!) not just to be telling story about savior but also to save people life, save their souls and not just to be built churches or just taught them theorize.

The right things are we should help them to believe Gos, taught them the how and make them feel the way God had done the best things in our life so that they know the truly essence about Him.

Many Christians worked for their own church success, for their community or to make their church bigger and bigger!!! But this book have made me think twice. God's Kingdom is here, it's not talks about Church or Heaven (For God's sake it's here!now!). We're God's ambassador. Why all this time we're focuses about our personal Christianity? or build a church? For long time we search where is God's Kingdom and want it to come quickly meanwhile we didn't know it's already here and just to be found.

God's Kingdom is our call like in Matthew 20:19 to make all nation His disciples and taught them the way He taught us. God's Kingdom is our daily activities who impacting people. Pastor Sunday taught me about doing the right thing, what God wants and leave the sins.

Okay let's talk about church, what's church is as Pastor Sunday wrote is training place. Place to train us to become the real God's ambassador. Get the lesson and implementing it outside and get the impact.

So this is review for 1st chapter as what I read. So wanna know it more? just read the book, okey?

Enjoy reading...

My office mate resignation...

Monday, February 22, 2010
Well, today I knew that one of my office mate in branch office was resigned...
Sad?sure, I know that we couldn't get along in every job we should taken over...
but I dunno the reason why she took this decision.
I hope she could find better job and better office mate (haha, if I am not the best one for her!)
Just I pray that God with her in every step that she take.

Read so fascinating book...Church Shift

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Yes, church shift written by Pastor Sunday Adelaja such a fascinating book. Opened my mind about the essence of Christianty. What God want us to do based on His Mandate like in the Matthew 28:19.
Well, I already read that book about 1 year ago and still didn't finish yet until last night I tried to read this book again from the first chapter and found necessary messages. So, this book so fascinated, really changed my mindset and I recommended this book to those who love to find their own call in God to complete the Great Mandate to make all nations His disciples.

Enjoy reading...

God bless you...

My Slideshow
