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Beauty Hacks – Baking Soda for Face Mask

Sunday, September 18, 2016
Dear wonderful readers,
I just found out about this beauty hacks and just tried it today.
It’s so cheap and you can do it in your home.
It’s Baking Soda for Face Mask I’m talking about🙂
As you knew it very well, Baking soda mostly used for baking. But amazingly it can be use as beauty hacks to brighten your face, minimize your pore, clean blackheads / comedo and preventing acne, also to exfoliate dead skin cells. Baking soda is so easy to find. You can buy it in local supermarket or nearest local store who sell cooking and baking product.
Find your local brand of Baking Soda. It’s so easy to find.
Here in Jakarta, I bought 81 Gram Baking Soda, Koepoe-Koepoe Brand (Indonesian Local Brand) for IDR 5.000. Please don’t be confused, since Koepoe-Koepoe produced 2 different baking mix which are Baking Soda and Baking Powder. Baking soda 3 times powerful than Baking powder for baking cake..
So choose BAKING SODA instead of BAKING POWDER (They’re looks similar, a white powdery like salt but have different functions).
Image result for koepoe koepoe baking soda
Okay, so here the hack tips:
  1. Open your pore with warm towel or warm water
  2. Put 1-2 teaspoon of Baking Soda on the small plate or a cup
  3. Add some water (you can add lemon juice/orange juice/tea tree oil) and stir it so it will be more like paste, not too thick of course!
  4. Put a thin layer of the mixing with clean toothbrush to exfoliate your face.
  5. Gently massaging your face with the toothbrush mostly on the preference area where you want to clean it most, like the nose area to combat the blackheads
  6. After your face covered with the mask, wait for about 15 minutes to dry
  7. Clean your face with warm water then massage gently in the nose area so the blackheads will easily come out
  8. Then rinse again your face with cold water to close your pore, dry it with dry towel and feel you face with your hand, it will feelsmooth and as you can see in the mirror BRIGHTEN! Yay!!!
  9. Do your beauty regimen after that, like put on moisturizer or toner or your favorite serum🙂
I’m soooo happy to find my face brighten and more fresh after using the Baking Soda. And also my face feel sooo smooth and the blackheads starting come out when I tried to massage it out. My nose and my entire face feel so smooth.😀 #grinning
Please be aware, that Baking Soda is so powerful and a strong chemical for your skin so you cannot use it everyday. Repeat the process once a week or once per 2 week (your wise choice depend on your face skin condition).
I think, I will repeat it once per 2 weeks since I have no acne and having dry skin as well. I’m afraid that Baking Soda will damage my skin if I used this too often.😀
So would you like to try this very cheap Beauty Hacks? its so easy, its so cheap and have amazing results.
Please comment below if you already tried it and what effects you have? Is it really work for you as it is for me? ^_^
#beautyhacks #bakingsoda #facemask #brightenskin #smoothskin #cheapbeautytips #SkincareRemedies
Keep healthy & Be happy


All About BCA Everyday Card

Wednesday, June 15, 2016
Hello guys, 

Postingan saya tentang Kartu Kredit BCA beberapa tahun lalu hits banget. Apalagi terkait kartu kredit BCA yaa,,, 😄

Nah dipostingan ini saya mau jelasin lebih detail tentang BCA Everyday Card (sesuai pengalaman saya), yuk disimak:

1. Waktu apply BCA Everyday card pertama kali pasti lgsg dibundle dapat 2 kartu, BCA Everyday card dan BCA Visa or BCA Mastercard (tergantung kamu prefer yg mana, kalo saya ambil yg Visa)

2. BCA Everyday card uda pst hrs diaktifin, kalo kartu Visa or Mastercard boleh aja ga diaktifin

3. Kalo belanja min 500rb bisa dijadiin cicilan tetap dgn tenor 3,6,9,12,15 dan 24 bln

4. Cicilan tetap BCA Everyday card dpt rate bunga lebih rendah utk cicilan tenor 12bln yaitu 0.5%/bln or 6% perthn 

5. Cicilan tetap Visa or Mastercard tenor sama tp rate 1,25%, yg 12 bln sy lupa dpt special rate 0.75% apa ngga (krn dulu promo segitu ratenya) tny Halo BCA aja ya hehehe! 😄 

6. Kalo aktifin 2 kartu BCA Everyday card dan Visa/Mastercard BCA annual fee jg double @125rb per kartu

7. Kalo rata2 pemakaian limit kamu selama 1thn 40% dari limit kartu maka otomatis free annual fee utk BCA Everyday card

8. Penting! Konekin kartu kredit ke internet banking klikbca kamu supaya bisa keep tracking pemakaian kartu kamu dan ga overlimit or khilaffff 😝 juga bisa liat tgl jth tempo tagihan meskipun blm terima billing statement by email or by pos

Cara konekin kartu kredit BCA Card kita ke KlikBCA:
Masuk ke KlikBCA -> Administrasi -> Registrasi Inquiry Kartu Kredit -> Isi data dan tunggu sekitar 1-3 hari kerja sudah langsung terkonek ke KlikBCA, bisa di cek dibagian Informasi Kartu Kredit, kalo sudah konek bisa cek sisa dana limit kartu kredit, cek transaksi tagihan kartu kredit & tiap bulannya bisa lihat tagihan kartu kredit total, jadi ga bakalan over limit deh

9. BCA Visa / Mastercard bisa dipakai hampir disemua toko retail di Indonesia dan di mancanegara

10. BCA card kalo belanja dpt cashback 0.5% berupa BCA reward (dalam idr) bisa di cek di slip kartu kredit yg kecetak tiap abis belanja biasanya ada tulisan BCA reward, sok atuh kl reward uda bnyk dimanfaatin bisa buat makan Pizza hut gratis or blanja gratis di Carrefour o Gramedia (partner BCA) asal reward BCA sama nilai blanja kamu lebih gede rewardnya yaa... 😀

11. Mulai gunakan kartu kredit buat belanja bulanan, cashnya disimpen di bank dulu biar berbunga, lumayan 1 bln ditahan pas billing kartu kredit jatuh tempo baru bayar deh! 

12. Promo cicilan 0% BCa jg bnyk kaya di www.bhineka.com; blibli, mataharimall, qoo10

Sekian dulu dari saya yah, nanti kl ada lg saya update infonya. Jangan lupa subscribe blog ini ya untuk more info soal perbankan or Tips lain 😉

Yang mau Follow sosmed saya di: 
Instagram, Youtube and twitter  @winterofjuly
Wordpresa: winterize.wordpress.com 

Thanks a lot reader,


My Favorite Foaming Facial Wash Cleanser

Saturday, June 4, 2016
There are so many foaming face cleanser products for daily use from lots of brands out there. From the cheaper one to the very expensive one.
And of course I have my own favorite products for daily cleansing. Currently, I have 2 products I called my favorite and I combine these 2 daily for clean my face. These products didn't caused pimple breaking on my face. What are they???
#1 ~ Clean&Clear essentials foaming facial wash
I LOVE IT SO MUCH! I started to use this product while I'm in senior high school. An amazing products reccomended by my bff. When pimples coming, I just clean my face with this and I will say bye-bye pimples! 😄😄😄 because miraclely pimples fade away after face wash with it. I still use this product, its give me clean feel after face wash and its oil-free and helps to prevent comedos.
My day-to-day face cleanser, usually use in the morning and at noon while in the office. The price is soooo cheap. About IDR 25k (around USD 2) and last for 3 months for me, because I combine it with Sebamed.
#2 ~ Sebamed Liquid Face & Body Wash for sensitive skin
Remember this 1? Part of my "Guardian Hauls" before Bali's trip. Yesss, I love it too! Gently and effectively deep cleanses pores and didnt cause breakouts on my face. Alkali and soap-free product, which are good for those with sensitive skin. My skin isn't sensitive but I because I happened tried this back then in senior high and love the clean, moist and smooth feeling after use this, so I continuing use this product till now.
Mostly I used this to clean my face at nite before sleep. A bit expensive, but try to buy once the 1000ml will save you 50% than buying 100ml routine. This last forever 😄😄😄! 1000ml OMG, only for face maybe will last for 2 years or more.😁😁😁
What are yours fav? Each person have its own skin condition. Maybe if you want to try these 2 products, you're welcome.
#facialcleanser #foamingfacewash #deepcleansingcleanser #sebamed #clean&clear #dailyroutine #skincare

Cosmetics Shopping Tips in South Korea

Saturday, June 4, 2016
Dear all the fans of cosmetics,
For those especially love to use Korean Skincare and Cosmetics product. Here are my cosmetics (and more things) shopping tips while in Korea:
1. If you going to South Korea on May-July (Like me, at the end of May) while Korea having their summer season, most likely in Myeongdong Shopping Street where you will find lots of cosmetics store, THEY DO SUMMER SALE! 😍😍😍 With its crazy disc 50% and more!
2. Buy Etude products in package cheaper if you buy in duty free shop, at summer Etude will give you 50% disc with membership card.
3. Buy The Face Shop products cheaper in Myeongdong street than in another store location and you can get tax refund note (which you can process the refund at the Incheon Airport)
4. Etude in Myeongdong can give you tax refund too, so don't forget to ask about it in case the store person forget to ask you
5. The Face Shop near The Skin Food shop can give you tax refund (straight from Myeongdong main street and go right, TFS#6 Store), TFS in front of myeongdong street can't give you tax refund
6. Beside Doota Mall is the cheap market, where you can buy snapback at price from 10.000 won (Grosir price), you need to buy more than 1 product
7. Buy cosmetics or skin care products in package, its cheaper than buy only 1 per product. For example: 1 bb cream with normal price, but buy 5 (same product/ of bb cream can save you more, about 30-50% cheaper from normal price
8. Don't worry if you run out CASH💵 either WON or USD, just use your VISA credit card especially BCA VISA💳 (Bca didn't charge any bank fee), the convert rate is more cheaper. For example I exchange IDR to WON for 11,71/won, then I shopping in the gift shop while in Korea and VISA rate me with 11,73/won not a big difference I think. Just a slight higher rate 😆 than normal rate at money changer.
9. Buy Korean snacks at Lotte Mart across Myeongdong Main Street, its cheaper!
10. Myeongdong food street snacks are so yummy you need to try, especially cheesy pork sausage! 😋
11. In Myeongdong street you will see some jewellery street seller, with its sign "1000 WON", buy it, a very high quality product with cheap price. Not the corrosive type jewelry. Mine were still shining brightly even its already 2 years.
12. Cosmetics shopping = Myeongdong Street 😆😄😁
> Rumour has it, Etude membership card valid worldwide and in Korea too for higher discount and more sample gift 😄 (Dunno if it was true or not, anyone know it?)
> 1 of Korean Air Stewardess I asked, using Missha M Perfect Cover BB cream, maybe you want to co sider to trying Missha BB cream??? 😄😄😄
Happy prepare your shopping strategy 😄😄😄,
Coz Myeongdong street's so big and there are lots of cosmetics store and clothing and etc you need to look at! 😄😆😁 #grinning #lol
#KoreanSkinCare #KoreanCosmetics #ShoppingInKorea #ShoppingTios #HelloKorea #KoreaSummerSale #TravelToKorea #Myeongdongstreet #ShoppingAtMyeongdong
Winter of July

Book Review: Mid Life Love by Whitney Gracia Williams

Friday, May 27, 2016
So, I’ve been already read this book and quite impressed by the story and the main characters. And these are what I thought about the book.
Here the screenshot taken from #Goodreads.com (Book cover and brief description of the story):
Moral of the story by me of course (not sorted):
1) You may have a great wonderful legendary career but it never be the main point to make you feel happiness
2) You may be pretty or beautiful or handsome or gorgeous but it not last forever. We human aging, yanno!
3) All we need is love, Love is all we need😀 (singing it ala Ariana Grande: Love is Everything)
4) Even life sometimes sucks don’t worry God will give you ways to overcome everything #keeppraying
5) If by any chance there’s someone disappointed you, keep in mind because there will be another person out there will make your day lighten up again (ehem, okay maybe not just person, it can be your pet, your hobby or anything that helps #wink)
6) If your love life sucks, don’t worry keep searching the right person because there should be 1 person as your destinied lover and don’t diving too deep into your sadness, because Adam only has one Eve after all!
7) Every people in the world has right to be happy
8) True friends will always by our side in ups and down
9) Age never be a problem if you never make it as a problem
10) Love at first sight is truly exist
Ohhh, If by any chance there is a “Jonathan” outside this very real world, please let me know #grinning.
Because I kind of infatuating with him, the most jealous and possessive and sexiest man ever alive in a romance novel! #sigh
A caring lover, super duper possessive, didn't give a shit about "what so called common sense rule" like the age gap or physical outstanding. Even he could do anything in his power to make her, his only. And I can only say "WOW!"
Honestly, I kind of annoyed by the fact that Claire, 11 years older than Jonathan. Is it possible for a man fall in love with older woman let say 11 years older? Because I heard women hit maturity faster than men. But who could denied chemistry and the love sparks? No one I think.
And I thought for a while after read this book and asked myself what is the most intense love of all? First love or Love at the first sight?
And my answer is "Love at first sight". Because it is kind of draining all of energy and messing up your mind all at once, make you blushing, your heart suddenly beating so fast, can't think straight at that time and couldnt even look him/her in the face without blushing even harder. OMG! It's like hit by thunderbolt of love!
Nah, I just remember the quote from novel Star Crossed by JS Taylor:
Cause, You are the thunderbolt, That shot into my heart, And when that thunderbolt hits, You know, You know. Nothing will ever be the same!
I'm really enjoying this book, definitely my 5* book and stories and characters and all the enchanting words and all the banter, thanks Author you are amazing!
#WhitneyGWilliams #MidLifeLove #RomanceNovel #Goodreads #BookReview #BookComment

Book Review: Gabriel’s Inferno (Gabriel’s Trilogy #1) by Sylvain Reynard

Friday, May 27, 2016
“What do you expect me to say—that I don’t want you? I’m not going to say that. I love you Gabriel, all of you. Please don’t push me away when we’ve finally gotten close.” Julianne Mitchell, p.423, Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard
This Book review is about my recent read novel, Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard, a Gabriel’s trilogy book #1. The others in this trilogy are Gabriel’s Rapture and Gabriel’s Redemption.
Here is the screenshoot from #Goodreads:
This book is sooooo “English & Italian literature” in every possible way. Quoting or citing from English/Italian classic literatures or telling us about it, from Dante story to CS Lewis and Tolkien’s dragon and Gollum and etc. Then somehow mentions some classics art painting from Boticelli.
As she rested on his chest, he whispered Dante’s words to her in Italian:“Color di pàerle ha quasi in forma, quale convene a donna aver, non for misura; ella è quanto de ben pò far natura; per esemplo di lei bieltà si prova. De li occhi suoi, come ch’ella li mova, escono spirti d’amore inflammati, che fèron li occhi a qual che allor la guati, e passan sì che ‘l cor ciascun retrova: voi le vedete Amor pinto nel viso, là ‘ve non pote alcun mirarla fiso.”
Taken from Gabriel’s Inferno p.469
Although, honestly I did not know some of the classic books mentioned nor Italian language, but sure I know when the characters said something about Gollum and His precious😀
The romance story, indeed, makes my heart beating and I kind of felt what Julianne felt, a shy and “traumatized by the past” woman who still lingering her feeling for her first love. Sylvain was successfully making me, imaginary experiencing what the characters do, their acts, their emotions and the places described in the novel #bravo #clap2
“I love you, Gabriel. You have to accept the fact that I’m not going anywhere.” Julianne Mitchell, p.442, Gabriel’s Inferno by Sylvain Reynard
And for me who believe in “soulmate”, “a happily ever after”; and “muse of life/my knight in shining armor”,  this book is definitely my favorite. Another 5* book in my #Aldiko rack😀hahaha!. I quite an avid reader so I need #Aldiko to keeping all of my ebooks, e-novel, docs and all my digital collections, so I can always read wherever I go, because all of it staying in my smartphone (who mostly used for read or streaming Youtube #XperiaZultra)
Okay, so this novel taught me so much morals, as below (not sorted);
1. Do not ever using DRUGS or deal with it, its results only bring destruction to your life or R.I.P
2. If by any chance, you’re already a “user”, go get some help, rehab or whatever to keep you clean and hopefully will never ever touch it again
3. First love is sooooooo romantic! Gabriel is Julienne 1st love  who blessedly stay in her heart for years! (Ahhhhh, it makes me remember my 1st love!!!!!)
4. A loving family with loving & caring & supportive parents, that’s what every child need the most
5. God always forgiving our sin, so make peace with your sins yourself first.
6. True love never leaving you in a darkside, he/she will sticks to you in all kind of situations, through the good and the bad. And will help you to find the light #wink #howromantic #sigh
7. Adopting is a kind act to help make this world a better place by providing 1 lonely and homeless(not homeless in “houseless” meaning, but kind of “feel at home”) child in your gentle and loving care. ONLY if your situation enable you to adopt in every aspects. S
8. Find the true love of your life is a blessing. Its move heaven to earth, otherwise it likes move hell to earth, hahaha! #seriously
9. Do not performs any ABORTION (unless it is for health reason)! It is so wrong in every aspects! Its a terrible sin! Be responsible for your act!
10. Learn and studying what you likes and maybe make a living from it. That way you will enjoy working, because you do what you like, right? #smilling
Anyone ever read this book? Comment ur thought about this book below.
#bookreview #GabrielsInferno #SylvainReynard #MyPOV

Be Grateful & Stay Young!

Friday, May 27, 2016
Hi guys!
Have you been grateful today?
Well, I always be! 😘
Okay, so today I like to talk about being grateful.
grate·ful – adjective
feeling or showing an appreciation of kindness; thankful.
(thanks Google for the translation! 😝)
I like to show my appreciation for almost all things, from the clear sky to a shade color of Lipstick💄.
And I always grateful for everything that happened or will be happenning in my life, either it is happy-go-lucky or 😔 sad 😔 situation.
Thanks God, this week He reminded me to be  “Grateful” when my boss raised my Monthly salary. While some people at my office didnot get “expected raise” but I got a very “unexpected raise”. In total I got 13.33 % raise in my monthly salary. What a number! That’s quite a raise in such economy condition.
Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good, For His lovingkindness is everlasting.
So I prayed and give thanks to God, because I always know everything happens under His control. And I always believing that salary raise is not only because the kindness of my boss but ultimately is because God happy with my way of work so He rewarding me.
Sometimes it is easy to be grateful for happy events but it will be difficult while we facing the sad event. I, too like that occasionally, but I try and try and try again my best to always be grateful because I know my God always have better plans, bigger plans and happier plans from me (and for you,too! 🌟) so He taught me the sad events so I will always remember how God help me went through all difficult situations.
Do not be worry for anything just keep praying, be grateful and always ask God for all the plans we have so He will give His blessings and all of our work and plans will be successful. 🌈
I wish this share will encouraging all of you to always be grateful because there are millions of meaning from just an event! Being grateful will make you happy and glowing all the time! One of so many recipes to be young (anti-aging recipe! 😄😄😄😁😁😁😙😙😙)
Have a wonderful day!

My Slideshow
