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I know that God still with me, He never let me down!!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Today was extraordinarily beautiful, I am constantly thankful for His love for me and my family.This afternoon there is events that hmm ... I think this is pretty fatal. One of the deliverer in my office this afternoon should exchange invoices to one of my main customers. I was completing the paperwork that must be taken as the invoices, tax invoices, delivery orders and purchase orders from these customers into 6 complete sets. An hour later he returned from his assignment and said, "Fan, I have omitted 3 sets of documents that you gave me earlier, because my bag was not closed!", I immediately torn surprised, because all documents are incomplete and only 1 original only .

I and everyone in my division necessarily immediately thought hard and pray to God to help us find the missing documents. Then me and my deliverer ride a motorcycle and went back to find the document in place of the crimes, ranging from near a police station in front of Citraland Mall to the existing railroad tracks in Latumenten street. We both asked each person we met along the way and it's too bad, no one saw it.

So we decided to go back to the office and hope to have good people who want to return the documents because there is a phone number on the invoice. I still hope to God that the best will happen, honestly I would not worry about the reaction the director of this, I feel so sorry with my deliverer. I told the financial manager who is none other than director's wife and she also just said do what I should do and what should I tell my customers to help our company, by giving more of their documents such as original purchase order and re-signature a letter they have received goods from our company.

I wish tomorrow my boss not too anger with our division because of this causes. And I'll pray for the best for me, my deliverer, my division, my office and also for the goodness of all. I remember that something could be happened because God permitted it to happen in our life to make us more stronger than yesterday. Once more I learned from this verse: 
Proverbs 16: 4 (CEV)

"The LORD has a reason
for everything he does,
and he lets evil people live
only to be punished."

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (CEV)
"Always be joyful and never stop praying. Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.

Well, let's hope the best for us all. Happy day, isn't?

Enjoy your lovely day...


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