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Attending to ESC graduation made me remember when I joined ESC last year...
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8:20:00 PM
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Recently, on April 15, I went to graduation ESC (Excellent Servant Camp) with some of team from my cell group, a nice show, yeah I was late because I had in college, about an hour 1 / 2 9 of my new night to place a graduation ceremony ESC. My team members thought the ESC when I was not present at their graduation ceremony, but when they saw me there, we took a picture together.
this is picture taken with pastor Seno Widjaja, One of the elder in my church Abbalove Ministries also the others was taken when 2009 ESC Graduation .
I remembered last year when I'm on ESC camp, how sad I am, what a mess my life! but when I came to ESC God opened my mind, I'm new! I'm born again with the new me, although it still fell up against sin, there I knew I'm never be same again with what I am in the past. So when I graduated from ESC camp & attended to ESC class four times and God do the best for my life, I'm revive.
Congratulation for all who graduated in this 2010 ESC CAMP!!!
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