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Today's Quote
Think where man's glory most begins and ends, and say my glory was I had such friends.
William Butler Yeats

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Attending to ESC graduation made me remember when I joined ESC last year...

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Recently, on April 15,  I went to graduation ESC (Excellent Servant Camp) with some of team from my cell group, a nice show, yeah I was late because I had in college, about an hour 1 / 2 9 of my new night to place a graduation ceremony ESC. My team members thought the ESC when I was not present at their graduation ceremony, but when they saw me there, we took a picture together.

this is picture taken with pastor Seno Widjaja, One of the elder in my church Abbalove Ministries also the others was taken when 2009 ESC Graduation .

I remembered last year when I'm on ESC camp, how sad I am, what a mess my life! but when I came to ESC God opened my mind, I'm new! I'm born again with the new me, although it still fell up against sin, there I knew I'm never be same again with what I am in the past. So when I graduated from ESC camp & attended to ESC class four times and God do the best for my life, I'm revive. 

Congratulation for all who graduated in this 2010 ESC CAMP!!!

Enjoy your day...


  1. Hai Fan...
    ternyata km blogger sejati juga yahh... baru aja searching and nemuin blog km...



  1. Tifani said...:

    hahaha, iya kak cuma kalo lagi pengen ngeblog ya di update klo lagi ngga juga bisa lama baru update,,,
    sering2 liat yah ka nov xixixi...

    JBU too,



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